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Preisgekrönter Fingerkrafttrainer, Handkrafttrainer und Unterarmtrainer für Kletterer (Made in EU)

That's why Ti-Hand is the best Finger trainer!

The best finger trainer for mountain bikers, downhillers and climbers is versatile, regardless of training times, the innovative sports equipment can be used practically on-the-go, always and everywhere in a practical pocket size. 

The Ti-Hand can be used for finger strength training as well as the entire hand. Athletes who put a lot of strain on their hands use the Ti-Hand to build strength and endurance in daily finger training and forearm training. During competitions, the Ti-Hand is the ideal device for individual warm-up. 


The finger trainer is small, light and adjustable. The different compression springs have different strengths, are easily distinguishable due to the colors and are suitable for every finger. The Ti-Hand is the ideal muscular preparation for competition and training and at the same time it is an excellent device for preventing injuries or for easily restoring performance in the case of typical finger injuries. 


The springs of the finger trainer are also laterally flexible, which enables playful and coordination elements in finger training. The well thought-out design and the special choice of materials result in a linear increase in the pressure resistance of the springs, which results in an ideal load curve over the entire lifting height. TiROCK Sports provides training exercises and tutorials for finger training and forearm training.


Ultimately, the TiROCK finger trainer is manufactured in Europe - Made in Europe!

Unique advantages when
Ti-Hand Finger trainer

Herausragende Vorteile des Ti-Hand Fingertrainer
Der preisgekrönte Unterarmtrainer für Mountainbiker Ti-Hand von TiROCK Sports
  • Innovative finger trainer

  • Finger strength training: maximum strength and strength endurance

  • Finger and forearm training

  • Pocket size

  • Injury prevention

  • 3 spring strengths can be used per finger

  • Laterally flexible springs

  • Playful application

  • Linear pressure resistance

Well thought-out system for the best finger training


"The perfect strength and mobilization training for your fingers"

Der Handtrainer mit perfektem Bewegungsfluss – Motivation und Spaß am Training 

Die Federn des Finger-Trainers sind zudem seitlich flexibel, was spielerische und koordinative Elemente im Finger-Training ermöglicht. Aus der durchdachten Konstruktion und der besonderen Materialwahl ergibt sich ein linearer Anstieg des Druckwiderstandes der Federn, das hat einen idealen Belastungsverlauf über die gesamte Hubhöhe zur Folge. Durch die einzigartig hohe Drucklänge lassen sich perfekt konzentrische und exzentrische Belastungen trainieren.TiROCK Sports stellt kostenfrei Trainingsübungen und Tutorials für Fingertraining und Handtraining zu Verfügung.

Schlussendlich wird der TiROCK Fingertrainer in bester Qualität in Europa hergestellt - Made in Europe!

Durchdachte Systeme für das beste Finger- und Handtraining


Easily and flexibly interchangeable pressure springs in different strengths / colors

Austauschbare Fingerdruckfeder medium blau
Austauschbare Fingerdruckfeder light grau
Austauschbare Fingerdruckfeder strong schwarz
Fingerdruckfedern einzeln je Finger tauschbar in unterschiedlichen Stärken und Farben
Customer feedback

"Great, thank you very much 🙏 😊. I'm very satisfied
and recommend you to others. Really fun with the hand trainer
train. Greetings Gerald"

(Gerald / Bavaria / Germany)

Best hand training device for climbing, bouldering, biking or for hand therapy

  • Hobby and professional athletesClimbing / Bouldering(downhill, cross country), motocross, gymnastics, fitness, tennis, gamers

  • Musician: guitar, piano, wind instruments, drums

  • At rehab and physio: Targeted and gentle mobilization / loading of the individual fingers and finger groups

  • At work and in everyday life: Compensation for PC work, stress and nervousness reduction

  • For your health: e.g. for weak hands or finger arthrosis


The finger trainer for targeted recovery and sustainable hand health.


Finger trainer for musicians

Finger strength and coordination training.

Flexible - targeted

Buy now and start your training:

Development and distribution from Austria; European production

Ti-Clip für Kletterer
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