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NEW! CLIMBING and BOULDING stronger with the best FINGER TRAINER Ti-Hand

Ti-Hand, Preisgekrönter Fingerkrafttrainer, Handkrafttrainer und Unterarmkrafttrainer aus Tirol

More finger power, grip strength and forearm strength when climbing and bouldering 

Our Ti-Hand finger trainer was designed to help climbers and boulderers increase their finger strength, hand strength and arm strength through specific grip strength training. No matter whether you are an experienced climbing professional or are just starting out in bouldering training, our finger trainer is your ideal training device. You specifically train your finger and grip strength to further improve your climbing performance. You design your own individual stress setting, which means you can flexibly challenge or protect each finger.
The Ti-Hand finger training helps you take your hand strength to the next level.

UniqueTi-Hand Advantages for your climbing training at home

  • Train each finger in a targeted and playful way

  • Expandable system

  • Individual and exchangeable resistance per finger

  • Pocket size

  • Many differentTraining exercises (free web videos)

Vorteile unseres Fingertrainingsgeräts Ti-Hand

Patent protected system and design

Development and sales from Austria

100% European production

Easily and flexibly interchangeable pressure springs in different strengths / colors

Feder für Fingertrainer medium
Feder für Fingertrainer light
Feder für Fingertrainer strong
Unterschiedliche Druckwiderstände je Feder
  • Individuell gestaltbare Druckwiderstände je Finger

  • Flexible Belastung entsprechend deines effektiven Druckes, z.B. halbe Drucktiefe = halber Druckwiderstand​

  • Höchste Federhubhöhe ermöglicht konzentrische und exzentrische Belastungen

Kletterin mit Fingerkraft

Why is the Ti-Hand Finger trainer the ideal climbing and bouldering training device

  • Reinforced finger strength: Your hands are your tools on the rock. Train specifically on your finger, hand and forearm strength to master even the most difficult grips.

  • injury prevention:You warm up and mobilize each of your fingers to give it your all on the wall and minimize the risk of injury. 

  • Individually adjustable resistance: Determine the resistance flexibly according to your needs and increase it continuously.

Customer feedback

"Great, thank you very much 🙏 😊. I'm very satisfied
and recommend you to others. Really fun with the hand trainer
train. Greetings Gerald"

(Gerald / Bavaria / Germany)

Der preisgekrönte Unterarmtrainer für Mountainbiker Ti-Hand von TiROCK Sports
Unique Ti-Hand Product advantages especially for mountain bikers
Griffkraftrainer-Übungen als Online-Tutorial für Klettern und Bouldern
  • Trains each finger individually about themaximum pressure depth

  • Laterally flexible springs  - for playful finger coordination

  • Expandable system - for your individual training requirements - e.g.  little fingers with soft feather

  • Outstanding design: Extremely simple, robust, ergonomic, slim and light (pocket size!)

  • Many different training exercises: Free Web Videos

Choose your Finger Trainer...


With a unique design, our finger strength trainer offers you the best individual hand training.

With the Ti-Hand warm-up training and mobilization exercises, you can reduce your risk of injury while climbing and have fun with the playful training flow.

Start the best finger training and most flexible forearm training now:

Discover a world of possibilities when your hands are in top form.

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