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Finger trainer for hand therapy
in rehabilitation and occupational therapy

 Ti-Hand - NEW!

Der preisgekrönte Unterarmtrainer für Mountainbiker Ti-Hand von TiROCK Sports

The innovative finger trainer for targeted recovery and sustainable hand health

We firmly believe that every hand deserves the best training and care. That's why we created the Ti-Hand finger trainer - an innovative solution to boosting the health and strength of your hands. Whether you're recovering from an injury, want to improve your hand dexterity, or just want to maintain overall hand health, our finger exerciser has you covered.

Ti-Hand challenges each finger playfully, individually and flexibly in order to specifically improve mobility, strength and endurance.

Unique Benefits

Die Vorteile des Ti-Hand Fingertrainers auf einem Blick für Hand-Therapie und Ergotherapie

Ti-Hand, ermöglicht durch die hohe Hubhöhe ein ideales Training konzentrischer und exzentrischer Belastungen (= Muskelkontraktion und Muskelverlängerung unter Spannung)

Hände in der Handtherapie und Ergotherapie

Well thought-out system for the best finger and hand therapy

  • Versatile and effective:Our finger trainer offers a wide range of exercises for rehabilitation and occupational therapy that have been specifically developed to improve your finger skills, hand muscles and range of motion.

  • Individually adjustable for each finger: The Ti-Hand finger trainer can be adjusted separately for each finger and thus enables targeted, individual therapy for injuries to the hand: targeted training of the ring finger, index finger or little finger is possible.

  • Innovative spring system: Playful finger coordination thanks to laterally flexible springs and maximum lifting height

  • Outstanding design: Extremely simple, robust, ergonomic, slim and lightweight, the pocket-sized finger trainer can be used anywhere

  • Many different training exercises for rehabilitation, hand and occupational therapy: Free web videos

Development and sales from Austria

100% European production

Easily and flexibly interchangeable pressure springs in different strengths / colors

  • Einfach und flexibel austauschbare Druckfedern in verschiedenen Stärken und Farben​ je Finger

  • Flexible Belastung entsprechend deines effektiven Druckes, z.B. halbe Drucktiefe = halber Druckwiderstand

Individuelle Federstärken für dein Fingertraining / deine Ergo-Hand-Therapie
Ready to strengthen your hands? 
Der preisgekrönte Unterarmtrainer für Mountainbiker Ti-Hand von TiROCK Sports

Well thought-out system for the best finger and hand therapy

Viele verschiedene Trainingsübungen für Rehabilitation, Handtherapie und Ergotherapie: Kostenlose Web-Videos

Fingertrainer-Übungen als Online-Tutorial für Ergotherapie und Hand-Therapie

Choose your suitable Ti-Hand Hand and Finger Trainer


Or adapt the Ti-Hand specifically and flexibly with an additional range of springs.

Buy now and start your training:

Order the Ti-Hand finger trainer today and invest in your hand health. Discover a world of possibilities when your hands are at their best!

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